Private vs Public School
The ‘private versus public school’ topic has been debated countless times in many families, and here’s my take on it.
Firstly, one very major factor is the price. While public schools are free of charge, private ones don’t just have a price, they are almost always extremely expensive. As a result, many people opt for public schools, but that may not always be the best choice, and here is why.
While academically, you would, in theory, get the same experience in a private school as in a public one, that is almost never the case. Often, private schools focus on each individual, so that they can adjust to their learning abilities. This may or may not be because private schools have less students, but either way the progress pupils make is undeniable.
Secondly, in private schools it has been observed that the relationships are better between students and between the teachers and their pupils. Less bullying tends to take place and teachers are often friendlier and more open.
However, this doesn’t mean you cannot get a beautiful experience in a public school. When going to a private school, it’s just much more likely that you’ll leave with great memories and a smarter brain.
For the past few years I’ve been studying at a private school and my experience has been great! All the advantages I mentioned earlier stand, plus many more. For example, teachers always challenge us to think instead of making us learn lessons word for word. Another good thing that takes place in our school is the openness teachers have to students’ personal problems and their willingness to help in any way they can.
To sum up, I believe that saving up for a private school is worth it and that it almost reassures the well-being of your kid.
The ‘private versus public school’ topic has been debated countless times in many families and here is my take on it.
Firstly, one very major factor is the price. While public schools are free of charge, private ones almost always are extremely expensive. As a result, many people opt for public schools, but that may not always be the best choice.
When it comes to the academics, theoretically, students would get the same experience in both a private and public school. However, that is almost never the case. Often, private schools have the capacity to focus on each individual student, catering to the learning abilities of the students. One contributing factor could be because private schools have less students than public schools. Pupils attending private schools show progress that is undeniable.
Student to student as well as students and teacher relationships are significantly better in private schools. Less bullying between students tends to take place and teachers are often friendlier and more open.
While these factors exist in private education, this doesn’t mean you cannot get a beautiful experience in a public school. When going to a private school, it’s just much more likely that you’ll leave with great memories and a smarter brain.
For the past few years I’ve been studying at a private school and my experience has been great! All the advantages I mentioned earlier stand, plus many more. For example, teachers always challenge us to think instead of making us learn lessons word for word. Teachers also engage with student’s personal problems and are willing to help in any way they can.
I believe that saving up for a private school is worth it and that it almost reassures the well-being of students.
Petra Amihălăchioaie, clasa a VII-a